Casey is currently in the 11th grade at Brooklyn Free School. She joined Groundswell’s Summer Leadership Institute in 2008, when she worked on the ‘Eco Nova’ mural at PS 506 in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Casey joined Groundswell’s programs on the advice of her mother, who thought that it would be a great way for her to meet new friends and develop her art skills. After working on ‘Eco Nova’, she joined the TEMA after-school program, the Portfolio Program and last summer worked on ‘Women Rise’, a mural for BRC women’s residence in Brooklyn. “I think that this mural made a real difference in the community”, she says about ‘Women Rise. “Before we painted it the area didn’t seem like such a good neighborhood, and we really brightened it up”.
Currently a participant in this year’s TEMA, she is working on her 4th mural with Groundswell, as well as participating in Voices Her’d. This year the Voices Her’d team are partnering with performance artist Reverend Billy to develop a mural about consumerism which will be painted over the summer. Working with Voices Her’d has also been a huge inspiration to Casey, in particular learning about the history of feminism and women’s struggle for justice and equality. Voices Her’d has also encouraged her personally. “Maybe a few years ago I wouldn’t have seen myself getting up and talking in front of people, and now I’m starting to”.
As a participant in our Portfolio Program Casey is also planning on going to art college when she graduates from High School next year. “Before Groundswell I didn’t really want go to college, but now, since I’ve been in the Portfolio Program, it’s kind of exciting”.