This mural was created in partnership between Groundswell and Ella McQueen Residential Center. Imagery depicts a narrative that explores personal reflection, progression, and interconnection. Numerous graphic elements interact, forming various color combinations. A staircase escalates from the lower left to the upper right with climbing figures assisting each other as they make their way up the steps. The person in the center looks up at the potential life holds, as he envisions the combination of sunlight, rain, and earth that combine to make a tree. Keys fall from the sky like the circumstances life delivers from which, for better or worse, opportunities arise. To the right of the profile looking back is a mirrored silhouette in line form with a labyrinth in the center.
This maze is representative of the complex network of one’s psyche, life experience, and the mystery of life itself. A red line weaves through the composition from left to right like a time-line, disappearing in the horizon of mountains. Written aphorisms are scrolled in the mural, reading, “There was never night that had no morn.” and “Life is a circle. We are each responsible for our own actions.” The mural is meant to be compassionate, soothing, empathetic, inspiring, and welcoming.